She’s changed

She’s changed 

Changed now, not the same

You can see it in her eyes, feel it in her touch,

You can hear it in her tone, sense it from her gestures,

She’s changed now, not the same

Just because you took so long to feel, too long to understand

She was left with engage sound holding her mobile phone, 

She never realized you only intended to speak not to listen,

Moment she threw her phone crying but you had no idea and were still jabbering,

She’s changed now, not the same

She wrote out everything in anger and helpless she feel

She knew no one is worth sharing feelings, no one is worth risking soul,

She’s changed now, not the same

You can see her spending time alone, you can see her sitting and gazing nothing

You can see her holding herself in the relief of silence

She knew everything’s never gonna be okay, it’ll be something left always

She’s changed now, not the same

You know she’s no more upset because of you but her soul that feel and ache,

You know she no more care about your existence,

She’s changed now, not the same

She’s bold and beautiful, you can see her steps, determined but heartless

She smile fearlessly, her emotions are for herself now, living for what she’s ment

She’s changed now, not the same

You can see people craving for her attention which was yours once,You can feel she doesn’t care anymore

You can hear sarcasm she voice with dare, you can sense she doesn’t want you to be around,

She’s changed now, not the same

She doesn’t accept sorries anymore, she doesn’t give authorities anymore

She’s living for what she’s ment, she doesn’t need anyone’s approval anymore

She’s changed now, not the same

You can see it in her eyes, feel it in her touch,

You can hear it in her tone, sense it from her gestures.

She’s changed!

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