Review ‘Kala Dhan’ song by King Paaji 

‘Kala Dhan’ hilarious song by King Paaji on YouTube.

8 of November 2016 memorable day, surgical strike by Prime Minister Modi on kala dhan. Memorable and savage day because my friend wanted to die but he couldn’t, he had no change to buy poison.

Coming to the song: Song starts with Modi giving speech and informing about surgical Strike which is really very engaging and will make you to hold on and watch the song. Lyrics have some rap section as well, which is quite well executed and designable. This song is hilarious comedy on demonetisation.

Music by King Paaji is quite catchy and you will find yourself singing the song even after you exit the window. The music of the song put a great impact on the lyrics. This kala dhan song video will surely make you laugh at ‘flop decision of demonetization’.

But demonetization saved life of food bloggers because their mum was not able to buy loki, tinde, kaddu due to no cash. Demonetization was trending on social media and today it’s been one year. I found different views on demonetization.

Kala dhan song screening will show you different characters mimicking politicians hysterically. Although models are dancing from nowhere that may annoy you a bit. Background drama is covered up by the singers on screen, which is quite a positive hit here. Five hundred and 1000 notes are not in trend anymore but this kala dhan song can be.

Kala dhan song music and theme lyrics are really catchy, and will be on your tongue within minutes. Must click on the YouTube link below and you will be singing ‘kala dhan’ involuntarily like you were singing ‘Selfie Maine Le Li Aaj’.

Coming to an end here is an incident, I was standing in ATM line for hours stated writing a song review when that charming look noticed me, came to me and said ‘Take this 100Rs note behen may be you need this more than me.

So this was all, have a look at the song. Keep following the blog, comment your views and opinions below.

Stay tuned for more

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