

A scream that you couldn’t hear

A scream that has no fear because it lives buried somewhere in depths

You may have it too but for someone else,

I have it for you and I keep it in shelves

A scream of vehemence that is cleft in two parts,

One for the world to showcase my emotional art and one for my secret side that is hidden hard

Screams that fears the rejection of what I know the future holds

A scream that donates its emotions for their smile

You may have it too but for someone else,

I have it for you and I keep it in shelves

This scream was there from the very start, it was the time of spring

We were not this close, but neither was far apart

Vehemence that you own my heart,

You’ll be there sitting next to me and whenever you need love I’ll be the only one you see

With this dream of ‘you and me‘, my one-sided love will last wannabe…

I still hold my scream and you still couldn’t hear it,

The wild approach of my scream was a failure and I no more fear it

It was not your fault neither it was mine, it was me who looked at you more than times

The scream was in depths but the fondness flooded every day

you don’t know how to swim and it’s all okay

It was my own tears, it was my own sea…

With this dream of ‘you and me‘, my one-sided love will last wannabe…

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