All basic you need to know about Flu

Flu, or also known as grippe, can be characterised as a respiratory ailment due to a virus. It is profoundly contagious, and the bad part is that it spreads to other individuals— through the sneezing and cough droplets from the infected individual. There are different means individuals could get infected like by touching hands with an infected person. 

An individual can be said to be contagious or spreading the disease a couple of days before the symptoms even show up. The infected person also considered being contagious after seven days of becoming unhealthy. From this, we can infer that infected an individual has the potential to contaminate other bodies with the flu virus ere the indications.

Let us understand the types of flu, symptoms, treatment, and preventive measures to be on the safe side.

Types of Flu viruses 

  1. Influenza A
  2. Influenza B
  3. Influenza C

We can expect the types A and B viruses every winter. Type C flu virus principally causes mild respiratory sickness. The type C has never been responsible for the outbreaks. 

All for your knowledge- Influenza virus A and B are also the cause of periodical pandemics in Europe and the United States. 

Influenza Symptoms

The usual cases of flu tip discomfort, but there are sporadic cases where it goes life-threatening. The complexity of flu with a severe cold is prevalent because both have more or less identical symptoms. If we have a look at the common symptoms, then both include- Blocked or runny nose, Sore throat, and Cough.

Studying other exclusive symptoms can assist us in determining influenza from the cold. The other uncommon symptoms are:

  • High temperature
  • Joints and limbs begin aching.
  • Headaches
  • Shivers 
  • Cold sweats
  • Tiredness
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting Also, make sure that all these symptoms are, they are well-known in infants than in adults.

The symptoms mentioned can linger around for about one week. But talking about the tiredness then an individual has to deal with it for several weeks.

If you are reading this, then note that not all symptom recorded will appear during an influenza infection to an individual. You should also know that it is probable to have influenza with no indications of fever.

Pain Relieving Medications  

Pain relaxation medicine can benefit to relieve a few symptoms od sickness like headache and body pain. Headache and body pain are regular symptoms. Several types of pain killers are suggested and well known. But medications should only be used under the medical prescription. Many online articles suggest taking aspirin. But mar that certain painkillers like aspirin are inadmissible for patients under the age of 12-year.


Considering a virus, the reason for flu, if we talk about antibiotics, then such medications cannot help. On the other hand, if the flu led to a sickness caused by bacteria, then antibiotics can help.

The best option is to get expert medical help and get it treated. Office going and a regular individual may not have proper idea about the infections and diseases. I suggest to visit the nearby health care centre and get diagnosed. 

You can also take some home remedies

Taking proper care at home can also help with the flu to some point. Individuals infected with flu should not go outside and also avoid contact with people. The best reliever is to rest a lot and keep yourself warm.

The human body requires proper hydration so increase liquid consumption. Eat light and healthy food. It will be good if served to eat in small proportions.

Note: Individuals who take alcohol and smoking should strictly avoid it. 

Risks during the flu

If we look at regular cases, then they are not severe, but influenza can shift unpleasant. Risks can be expected, and there is a possibility of critical complications in certain people individuals. 
It can be dangerous in infants and older adults. 

Individuals dealing with other diseases and prolonged illness can threaten the immune system of the human body. There is a risk for pregnant women and individuals administering steroids.
Individuals under cancer treatment also come under risk level.

Here listing the complexities that might arise:

  1. Dehydration
  2. Bacterial pneumonia
  3. If the individual has existing chronic medical conditions, then they may get worse. 
  4. Congestive heart failure, asthma or diabetes
  5. Sinus problems 
  6. Ear infections might begin in kids

Few facts about flu

  • There are general misconceptions, but the truth is that antibiotics do not aid in operating flu. Yes, but there are some antivirals which can treat it.
  • Regular vaccination can be the best way to treat the flu.
  • Flu vaccination might not be suitable for some individuals. Make sure your doctor is aware of your allergies and treatments. Flu vaccination might not be ideal for individuals who have hypersensitivity towards chicken eggs.

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